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College of Integrative Sciences and Arts

Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature

Literary & Cultural Essays

Francisco A. Lomelí

Edited by Vanessa Fonseca and Jesús Rosales

McGraw-Hill Guide cover, with gecko atop tablet, keyboard, pen and paper

The McGraw-Hill Guide

Writing for College, Writing for Life

Gregory R. Glau, Duane Roen and Barry M. Maid

Book cover with two stylized human heads nearing each other

Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships

Edited by Dominik Schoebi and Ashley K. Randall

Book cover with chess pieces, black pawn flanked by white knight, bishop, rook, king, queen

The Token Black Guide

Navigations Through Race in America

Donald R. Guillory II

White book cover with black swirls and text: Colluding, Colliding, and Contending with Norms of Whiteness by Jennifer L. S. Chandler

Colluding, Colliding, and Contending with Norms of Whiteness

Jennifer L. S. Chandler

Legacy Forward Made Easy

Ben Pandya

Period illustration of forlorn looking woman standing in a courtroom with judge presiding

The Crimes of Womanhood

Defining Femininity in a Court of Law

A. Cheree Carlson

Man hanging upside down by one foot, hands behind back

The Hanged Man

Don Bapst

Close up on face of young man with steely blue-eyed stare, transparent image of email message heading superimposed

Don Bapst

book cover for The Necrophiliac

The Necrophiliac

Gabrielle Wittkop

Translated by Don Bapst