Center for Science and the Imagination

Cover of Living Tomorrow

Living Tomorrow

Edited by G. Pascal Zachary and Ed Finn

Cover of "Crowd Futures: We Have Always Died in the Castle" book, showing a woman's head in silhouette.

Crowd Futures: We Have Always Died in the Castle

Elizabeth Bear

Edited by Bob Beard

Illustrated by Melissa Gay

Cover of "Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045" comic book, showing two people standing back-to-back with arms crossed over their chests, three flying drones, and a humanoid robot in the background.

Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045

Edited by Ed Finn, Brian Augustyn and Bob Beard

Cover of Italian translation of "What Algorithms Want" by Ed Finn featuring a coding design

Che cosa vogliono gli algoritmi?: L'immaginazione nell'era dei computer

Italian translation of "What Algorithms Want"

Ed Finn

Translated by Daniele A. Gewurz

Cover of Everything Change, Volume II, an illustration sunlight peeking over the curve of the Earth, viewed from space, against a black background

Everything Change, Volume II

An Anthology of Climate Fiction

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Angie Dell

Cover showing a stylized sun created of differently colored rings, over the title "The Weight of Light"

The Weight of Light

A Collection of Solar Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Clark A. Miller

Cover image of Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow

Future Tense Fiction

Stories of Tomorrow

Edited by Torie Bosch, Kirsten Berg, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn and Andrés Martinez

The book cover for Cities of Light, with horizontal bars of dark blue, purple, red, and orange, and an array of small cubes, so the cover looks stylized like the front of a large apartment builiding.

Cities of Light

A Collection of Solar Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Clark A. Miller

Cover of the book "Sickness, Systems, Solidarity."

Sickness, Systems, Solidarity

A Pandemics and Games Essay Jam

Edited by Zoyander Street and Joey Eschrich

Cover of the book "Our Shared Storm" by Andrew Dana Hudson

Our Shared Storm

A Novel of Five Climate Futures

Andrew Dana Hudson