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Mapping Grand Canyon Conference February 28 - March 1, 2019. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

The conference program was designed and optimized for digital download, rather than for paper printing.

Download program (pdf)

Session recordings

All recordings are now available to view within this playlist:

Day One: Thursday, February 28, 2019

Memorial Union, Arizona Ballroom (Room 221)

Session Time Session Title Presenter/Facilitator
8:00am–9:00am Morning Reception | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
9:00am–9:15am Conference Opening Remarks Paul Hirt, PhDNik Smilovsky, PhD
9:15am–9:30am Introduction | Mapping Grand Canyon -- Over 150 Years of Cartographic Change | Part 1 Matthew Toro
9:30am–10:30am Keynote | Mapping Grand Canyon National Park Tom Patterson
10:30am–10:45am Morning Break | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
10:45am–11:15am Legislating the Boundaries: Redrawing the Map in 1925 Ed Oetting
11:15am–11:45am Creation of the Matthes-Evans Topographic Map of the Grand Canyon Jonathan Upchurch, PhD
11:45am–12:15pm How Washburn Mapped the "Heart of the Grand Canyon" Michael Fry 
12:15pm–1:45pm Lunch Break | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
1:45pm–2:15pm Footprints on the Sands of Time: Retracing Harvey Butchart's Exploration of the Grand Canyon through His Annotated Matthes-Evans Maps Peter Runge
2:15pm–2:45pm Geologic Mapping of Grand Canyon, 150 Years and Counting Karl E. Karlstrom, PhD
2:45pm–3:15pm Afternoon Break | Refreshments | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
3:15pm–3:45pm Tracing the History of Native American Communities in Relation to the Grand Canyon Theresa Avila, PhD
3:45pm–4:15pm John Wesley Powell and Crew's 1869 River Mapping: What Did They Know and When Did They Know It? Richard David Quartaroli
4:15pm–4:30pm Grand Canyon Student Map Competition | Award Ceremony competition judges
4:30pm–4:45pm Day One Closing Remarks Matthew Toro
4:45pm–5:30pm Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  


Panorama map of the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
Map showing boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park.
The Matthes-Evans topographic map featuring Shiva Temple in the Grand Canyon.
Section of The Heart of the Grand Canyon map featuring detailed topography of the canyon.
Section of Matthes-Evans map with annotations.
Digital geologic map of the Grand Canyon.

Day Two: Friday, March 1, 2019

Memorial Union, Arizona Ballroom (Room 221)

Session Time Session Title Presenter/Facilitator
8:00am–9:00am Morning Reception | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
9:00am–9:15am Day Two Opening Remarks Paul Hirt, PhDNik Smilovsky, PhD
9:15am–9:30am Introduction | Mapping Grand Canyon -- Over 150 Years of Cartographic Change | Part 2 Matthew Toro
9:30am–10:30am Keynote | Cartoon Maps of Canyonland Dori Griffin, PhD
10:30am–11:00am Morning Break | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
11:00am–11:30am The 1923 Birdseye Expedition: First Maps of the Colorado River Through Grand Canyon Mark Manone
11:30am–12:00pm Mapping the Colorado River Corridor in Grand Canyon for Ecosystem Monitoring Matt Kaplinski
12:00pm–1:30pm Lunch Break | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
1:30pm–2:00pm Celebrating with Archives: Building "100 Years of Grand" Robert Spindler
2:00pm–2:30pm Mapping Death in Grand Canyon Kenneth Field, PhD
2:30pm–3:00pm Afternoon Break | Refreshments | Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  
3:00pm–3:30pm Place-Based Teaching and Learning at Grand Canyon: In-Person and Virtual Steven Semken, PhD
3:30pm–4:00pm Mapping Grand Canyon for Conservation Stephanie Smith
4:00pm–4:30pm Conference Closing Remarks Matthew Toro
4:30pm–5:00pm Demos, Exhibits, Activities | Info Booths  


Cartoon map of the Grand Canyon.
Extract of Enchanting the Desert interactive map.
Map of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.
Section of the interactive map, One Hundred Years of Grand.
Extract of
Aquifer diagram of the Kaibab Formation, Grand Canyon.

Demonstrations, exhibits and hands-on activities

Information booths


Organizers worked to maximize sustainability practices while minimizing the event’s ecological footprint. The conference was an ASU Gold-level Sustainability Certified Green Event.

 Greening Maroon and Gold