Teaching Gifted Kids in Today's Classroom
Strategies and Tecniques Every Teacher Can Use
Edited by Meg Bratch
The introduction begins with this question: “Of all the students you are teaching in a given class, which group do you think will probably learn the least this year?” The answer: “It may surprise you to find that in a class that has a range of abilities, it is the most able, rather than the least able, who will learn less new material than any other group.”
If you have read this book, tried some of the strategies and techniques, checked out some of the references and resources, talked with your colleagues and rolled up your sleeves, you’re ready to challenge all of your students; give your students opportunities to demonstrate that they already know what you’re about to teach, or can learn it in much less time; use compacting strategies; create instructional groups that are flexible and change their composition depending on the content; allow students whose ability exceeds grade-level expectations in any area of learning to be grouped together for work on appropriately differentiated activities; offer meaningful choices whenever possible; focus on open-ended tasks; encourage independent research based on topics in which students are passionately interested; understand and apply differentiated assessment and grading options; be sensitive to what gifted kids need in cooperative learning situations; understand and support cluster grouping; take advantage of opportunities to learn more about gifted kids and their exceptional learning needs.
This book demonstrates how gifted students whose teachers make opportunities available for compacting and differentiation in all subject areas are generally happy, engaged and productive students. They enjoy school and learning.
Dina Brulles is the director of gifted education at Paradise Valley Unified School District and the gifted program coordinator at ASU. Brulles serves on the National Association for Gifted Children Board of Directors as the school district representative. Brulles was a recipient of the 2014 NAGC Gifted Coordinator Award and also NAGC Professional Development Network Award in 2013.