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Creativity, Technology & Education: Exploring their Convergence

Punya Mishra and Danah Henriksen

The Religious Imagination book cover

The Religious Imagination in Modern and Contemporary Architecture

Renata Hejduk and Jim Williamson

El Camino del Diablo book cover

El Camino del Diablo

Mark Klett

Design Portfolios: Presentation and Marketing for Interior Designers (3rd ed.) book cover

Design Portfolios

Presentation and Marketing for Interior Designers (3rd Edition)

Diane M. Bender

Bodywork book cover


Liz Cohen

The 5 P's book cover

The 5 P's

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

Liz Cohen

Cover of By the Forces of Gravity by Rebecca Fish Ewan

By the Forces of Gravity

A Memoir

Rebecca Fish Ewan

Designing things book cover

Designing Things

A Critical Introduction to the Culture of Objects

Prasad Boradkar

Illustrated by Amethyst Saludo

Book cover with illustrations on it of awards

Thrive! The Creative’s Guidebook to Professional Tenacity

Cyndi Coon

Cover of Hold by Sally Ball and Jan Vicar


Sally Ball

Illustrated by Jan Vičar