A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada
Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelidae
Tiger beetles are one of the most popular and widely distributed insect families found worldwide. This natural history guide colorfully illustrates all 107 known tiger beetle species found north of the Mexican border, with two distinctly different keys. A must-read for serious and amateur naturalists!
David L. Pearson is a research professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. He is also co-author of "The New Key to Ecuador and the Galapagos and of Ecuador" in this series.
Praise for this book
Beyond its value in providing a comprehensive treatment of the tiger beetles found in North America, this book also serves as an example of the opportunities available for professional entomologists to broaden and increase interest in insect groups by members of the general public.
The Coleopterists Bulletin
The book exhibits the highest standards for field guides and should do much to further the authors' aim of raising the profile of tiger beetles as an important flagship insect group in North America. It is well produced and excellent value.
Journal of Insect Conservation