Design and Analysis of Turborocket Engine Systems

The Turborocket Engine is a unique pump-fed rocket engine configuration that can provide high performance in a compact, light-weight package. Despite these attributes, the Turborocket Engine’s basic operation has been largely misapprehended, and thus its advantages have remained largely undiscovered. This book provides a complete description of the Turborocket Engine and its historical origins. But more importantly, it provides a mathematical treatment for understanding basic Turborocket operation and methods for computing the resultant performance of the Turborocket Engine in terms of standard rocket engine performance metrics. Practical aspects of Turborocket Engine design are presented, as well as potential applications that can best take advantage of this unique rocket engine configuration. Detailed example calculations are provided for several Turborocket Engine designs.


Dr. John A. Bossard’s general areas of expertise are in the fields of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. He specializes in the conceptualization, analysis, design, fabrication, and testing of high energy-release-rate systems, specifically aerospace propulsion systems and combustion devices. In 2011, Dr. Bossard began working on the Turborocket Engine concept to understand its operation and to explore its potential as a pump-fed rocket engine along with its integration into combined cycle propulsion systems. In 2015, he received a U.S. patent on the RTR engine, a combined cycle engine utilizing the Turborocket Engine.

Dr. Bossard earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Arizona State University in 1996, where he researched droplet size distributions in fuel sprays and their effect on spray combustion processes within gas turbine combustors. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

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